Some Internet Links of Interest
Links of Interest

Some Internet Sites of Interest

The following reference links and calculators will provide you with useful information. Any computations you arrive at with these sources should be considered rough estimates. If you are looking for numbers you can rely on, please call us for assistance.

We caution you: do not enter into any agreement or purchase anything via the Internet until you and your advisors are satisfied that you are getting what you are paying for.

We do not endorse any business or product you may find as a result of these links.

Each link will open a new browser window.

Government and Political Sites:
Social Security Administration
Small Business Administration
Internal Revenue Service
Official site for U.S. government information
US Congress on the Internet - legislative information
Vote smart - political topics plus status of current legislation

Reference Material and Lookup Sites:
College Financial Aid Helper
Section 529 College Savings Plans
Currency converter - any country to any other country
Zip code lookup - use any address
Business yellow pages - by state, by name
Webster's - dictionary and a thesaurus
Official US time by zones
Measurement converter - how many centimeters in an inch and numerous other conversions
Calculators - for almost any job under the sun
The ultimate reference desk - You can search the reference desk topics by keyword or table of contents.
Free Trip - how to get there

General sites:
Ticketmaster - which events interest you?
Real estate listings - nationwide

We invite you to call us at any time. We would be pleased to discuss your tax, financial, and business matters with you.

Home Page
Tax Planning
Investment Review
Financial Planning
Estate and Gift Planning


Business Solutions
Financial Statements and Audits
More Than a Tax Return
About the Firm

To learn more about our investment and insurance consulting services,
please see our Financial Advisory web site at:

Anthony J. Perri, CPA, PA

A Professional Corporation
Certified Public Accountants and Consultants

The Coral Springs Commerce Center
9726 West Sample Road spltlfbl.gif (175 bytes)Coral Springs, Florida 33065
(954) 755-8755 spltlfbl.gif (175 bytes)Fax (954) 755-8887


Anthony J. Perri, CPA, PA
The CPA. Never
underestimate the value.

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